Sunday, 13 October 2013


This week we are going to be developing your productions to the point where you will be able to film during the half term.

It is essential that each group develops a working plan for the shoot.

To help you should refer to the Assignment Handbook in which there are many tips and pointers to success.

However, this week our focus is:

  • Planning your shoot
  • Storyboard and/or shot list
  • Obeying the conventions of the genre
  • Developing your filming skills
You will have time to practice with the equipment and to plan. Your HW will be to continue this so that next week you KNOW what you are going to do. 

You will have access to cameras in the last week of term the expectation will be to plan for some filming that week in addition to the half term.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Now that I have your attention.

The first stage of the process is complete and the votes indicate some really clear decisions which you as a group of individuals have made.

The three favourite film projects are in no particular order:

Time   by Paige
The Lost Girl    by Mia
Heart of Death     by Hana

These three projects together garnered nearly 75% of all the votes cast and therefore they will be going forward.

However, there was no clear 4th fourth amongst the rest of the films and I would like to open this up to the rest of you to develop your ideas and re-pitch them next Monday P6. If you are really disappointed NOT to have been picked then use this opportunity to show your true worth.

If you DON'T want to take your idea further and would like to work on one of the three chosen so far than that is okay but remember that a maximum of 4 students can work on a film so we need another film project which ever way we look at it - you may NOT get to work on the film of your choice.

Souita - you have missed classes but you don't have to miss out. Please ensure that you attend next week and pitch your idea.

HW: Paige, Mia and Hana - developing your trailer idea to the next stage - narrative structure of the trailer and first ideas for a storyboard.

All others: either improve and develop your Pitch further OR Write up the reasons why you would like to work on one of the three films and what role you would like to take, skills you can offer.


Monday, 23 September 2013

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


CW and HW

Complete your analysis of the Byzantium trailer by answering the two questions in the powerpoint below which you began in class. Ensure that you use media terminology and in particular the five terms connected to Narrative Theory.

Monday, 9 September 2013


Watch the trailer above and see if you can identify the conventions of the genre - remember this is a hybrid so there will be a few different conventions. 

IMPORTANT: Identify the conventions of trailers and discuss how they are used in this genre. 

Example: Voice Over is used to introduce characters and narrative - how does the use of Voice Over support the genre of the trailer? 

HW - type your analysis of Warm Bodies (400 words) and submit it using the file drop option below. File types accepted include .doc and .pdf. and upload to FrogOS or embed on your blog or email to me.


If you cannot get the link on the ePortal to work use the link above. You will still need to login as usual using your school login. Let me know if it doesn't work.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Year 11

Welcome back.

The results for the Year 11s and the Year 10 Extra Curricula classes - I will share their success with you on our return, though some of you may already know what your friends achieved. It was our best year yet, so you have quite something to measure up to.

Lessons begin this week and we need to get off to a quick start to make our deadlines, so I will be asking you all to be prepared to launch your Assignment 3 film trailer ideas over the next week, after we have regrouped and reminded ourselves about what it is we are supposed to be doing this term - making movies.

Please show me that you have read this post by making a post on your own blog and thereby updating it. And if you have completed any work over the summer this is you chance to get it up onto the blog and begin your portfolio.

Monday, 15 July 2013

The Mortal Instruments - Trailer

The Mortal Instruments trailer above is your starting point for analysis. 

Watch the trailer and answer the following questions in pairs: 

  • What three features identity the genre of the trailer? 
  • Who is the target audience of the movie trailer and how can we tell this? 
  • Are there any links between the genre and the audience?
Discuss all the questions first before writing - either a blog post (preferred) or in your book.

Friday, 12 July 2013


HW for the summer Needs to be completed on your blog. Write a paragraph exploring analysing the feature of the trailer Beautiful Creatures.

Under the categories:
  • Picture
  • Sound
  • Titles and editing
Use the notes you made in class, the media language included below and ensure that you supply evidence from what you have seen in the trailer.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Good luck!

Good luck in your exam tomorrow! Do not forget to bring in a pencil and colours. I'll be in the staff room during first break if you need any last minute help.

Miss. P

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Exam Preparation

Good luck for your exam on Friday. If you need any support before then, please ask! There will be a revision session straight after school on Wednesday.

Exam Preparation

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Homework - Due Friday 14th June

This homework will aid your exam revision. Link what you learnt from controlled assessment 2a (Lynx analysis) to your campaign. 
  1. Define the term 'campaign'
  2. Using the assessment form, make improvements to your campaign (magazine print ad and TV ad). 
  3. Write a paragraph on each of the following: 
  • How it is aimed at the target audience?
  • What representations does it show?
  • Why might your brand be the next big Unilever product?

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Homework: Design your own print advert

Due: Friday 7th June

Create the magazine advert for your new brand for Unilever. It will need to include:
oName of product
Keep in mind:
oYour target audience
oHow the advert represents people, places and the brand itself
oHow you intend to appeal to the audience

Look at other print ads for similar products to ensure you follow the conventions.

It needs to be A4 size, portrait.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Homework: Create a new advert for Lynx

The last slide gives more detail about your homework, which is due Friday 17th May. Upload it to your blogs as I have your books.

Advertising Controlled Assessment

Friday, 26 April 2013

Annotated Screen Shots for Presentation

Annotated screen shots by MissPatelMedia

Homework - Prepare for Controlled Assessment

Your homework is outlined on the last slide. If you would like me to go through it, upload it onto your blog.

Due: Tuesday 30th April

Well done in your presentations, especially to the winning group who will be awarded 10 Vivos each: Sumana, Nicole, Jade and Souita. You showed great team work and understanding.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Lynx Attract - Unleash the Chaos

The moving image advert and web-based still image advert are on the Assignment 2 page.

Take a look.

Below is the presentation from today. On Friday we will be developing and improving on our work annotating this advert and really understanding how you can get marks.

Yr10 Ass2 Lynx ad Apr13.pdf by MediaMassage

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Tuesday 26th March

Sky Skills survey
Complete the survey if you went to Sky last Friday.

The write up your experience.
Describe what you saw, what you did, what you learned.
Use media terminology where appropriate.

Those you didn't go to Sky - create a media terminology test for the class.

All to do the test before the end of the lesson.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Lynx Effect Class Task

Pick one of the four campaigns and answer the questions on the last slide. Use media terminology from your sheets. This will help you in preparation for your controlled assessment.

Lynx Effect task

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Brand Identity: Personality and Values

Due: Tuesday 26th February
Find a print advert for one of your favourite brands. Annotate the advert and write a paragraph about its brand personality and values.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

History of Advertising

Homework: Due Friday 15th February

Create a timeline for the history of advertising. You can use either of the websites below to generate the timeline. Remember to be creative. Use pictures and video to illustrate your point.

Enjoy your weekend! or


Time Toast

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Be Creative Competition Tuesday 29th Jan


  • Complete Filming and editing of advert.
  • Upload to Be Creative website with completed application

Task 1

Complete filming if necessary - otherwise edit

Task 2

One person from the groUP MUST complete the form and questionnaire for their group

Be Creative Comp

Thursday, 10 January 2013


I'm sorry I cannot be with you today. Instead, I have left you things to do which I hope you enjoy.

The work you will do today will help you begin to understand what you need to do to do well in the second assignment.

  1. choose 6 shots from the advert
  2. print screen each one - (on a mac this is by pressing apple/shift/4 and boxing what you want to copy)
  3. add to a new post on your blog
  4. describe each shot and analyse
If you cannot remember how to log in, check your journal. If you are still stuck, you may work in pairs BUT make sure that you put both your names on the post.

Watch the clips below.

How do these clips support, undermine or ridicule the product brand Lynx? Write a paragraph about each on your blog (or in your book).

Create your own Lynx advert or parody. 

  • write story of the advert and draw a 6 frame storyboard
  • complete for HW in your exercise book or on the blog
Have fun.

Mr H